Day: October 28, 2021

Why Pest Control Services Are a Must for Your Home or Business in Charlotte NCWhy Pest Control Services Are a Must for Your Home or Business in Charlotte NC

Why Pest Control Services Are a Must for Your Home or Business in Charlotte NC

Are you looking remove all unwanted pests for a Charlotte NC pest control service? You are in the right place, because we offer quality pest control services throughout the state of North Carolina. We service the greater Charlotte area, including but not limited to Meckley, Charlotte, Piedmont, Alamance, Woodstock, Weaverville, and surrounding areas. Here are some of the reasons why we’re the best option for your chemical-free and environmentally-friendly home or business in Charlotte NC:


As the fastest growing pest-control provider in the Charlotte-area, we provide expert pest management services with no ultraviolet radiation, high-pressure canisters, or any form of toxic spray. Instead, we use fire ant baits and chemicals that will get rid of pests like fire ants, red pepper mites, brown reavers, and more. Our no-ultraviolet policy means that we won’t disturb or kill these insects, which is just as important as eliminating their pests. Additionally, our products are biodegradable, so you won’t have to worry about harming anyone or the environment. We also offer commercial and residential grade fire ant bait to ensure that your treatment programs will be effective.


You’ll love our no-chemical approach, our professional services, and our no-raying or drilling programs that will keep your investment safe from termites, ants, and other destructive insects. If you want to get rid of those unsightly, pest-filled, costly bug problems, call our expert Charlotte NC Pest Control specialists today! And remember – pest control needs to be a regular part of your annual maintenance program, so you can prevent future problems. Get started on your termite control needs now!