Dating Tips & Advice
For many of us, dating is intimidating. Even if you’re confident and have no problem putting yourself out there, meeting someone new is always a bit nerve-wracking. But there are things you can do to help make the process less stressful, from keeping safety in mind to being more honest about what you want. Sourece
While some of the rules of dating may have changed in recent years, there are still a lot of old-fashioned ideas that can be difficult to shake. For example, some people find it easier to approach a stranger in person than over the phone or on a dating app, but striking up conversation can be just as awkward.
Unlocking the Secrets of Successful Dating: Expert Tips and Advice for Finding Love
In order to overcome this obstacle, try to meet in a public place where you can talk freely. It’s also helpful to keep booze out of the equation for a few dates so you can see your date clearly, without the added layer of lowered inhibition and distorted judgment that a drink can bring.
Similarly, you can prepare for a date by practicing your flirting and chit-chatting skills with friends. Practicing eye contact can be especially effective, since it’s one of the most important ways to connect with a potential match. “Smile, and look at them as you speak,” says McNeil. “This is a great way to show interest in what they’re saying and create the impression that you’re interested in them as a person.” For those who prefer to text, she recommends using the 3-4 rule, which requires a single to ask three questions about chemistry, core values, and emotional maturity on their first three dates before proceeding any further.